crema workshops
Data UX
Data Visualization, Data Science, UX, Javascript
This workshop is about creating advanced user experiences with data, going beyond visualising or exploring information. We'll learn methodologies and techniques that enable data transformations, sophisticated analysis, and pattern recognition, as well as models training, parametrisation and tuning through human interaction. Instead of just present or enable exploration, data UX allows for more advanced processes, that appeal to human intelligence, and maximize human-machine collaboration. This developments requires a new user experience approach, as well as differences in how business analysts, data analysts and data science teams operate. Is a new paradigm that allows for agile analysis and for more and better collaboration between business and data professionals.
canela workshops
From Zero to Natural Language Processing Hero
NPS, Machine Learning, Python
Ever wondered how your email identifies spam messages? How does news applications classify news into topics? Or how does Google translate detect the language of a page? In this session we will explore the theory foundations behind natural language processing. Then we will, step by step, build a machine learning solution that automatically classifies text messages.
Discover the best race of all time Learn Analytics and Machine Learning with Oracle Red Bull
Machine Learning, Data Science, Algorithms
Orleans Workshop
Distributed Systems, Orleans, C#
Microsoft Orleans - is a .NET framework for building Cloud Native distributed applications in .NET. It has been battle-tested by years of production usage as a platform for services behind such Microsoft products as Halo, Gears of War, Skype, and Azure services such as Azure IoT Digital Twins, Azure ML, Azure PlayFab, and Azure Quantum, as well as by numerous non-Microsoft systems.
Introduction to Kubernetes Operators Development
Kubernetes, API, DevOps,
Kubernetes has been chosen by the industry as the de facto standard platform to run containerized applications. One of the reasons is the possibility of extension to cover new use cases and therefore, building your own platform. The creation of Custom Resources and the development of Operators are focus on helping in this task. We will introduce into the development of Kubernetes Operators to provide independent virtual infrastructures on demand. The idea is that every attendee develops their own operator in order to have a complete and functional solution at the end of the workshop.
Distributed workflows with Jupyter
Workflows, Jupyter Notebooks, Prototyping, Data Science
Jupyter Notebook’s capability to unify imperative code and declarative metadata in a unique format puts them halfway between the two classes of tools commonly used for workflow modeling: high-level coordination languages and low-level distributed computing libraries. Also, Jupyter Notebooks come with a feature-rich, user-friendly web interface out-of-the-box, making them far more accessible for domain experts than the SSH-based remote shells commonly exposed by HPC facilities worldwide.
Bringing multitenancy on Kubernetes with Capsule
Kubernetes, DevOps
Kubernetes Namespace is the key component to separate your applications in the cluster, besides the multiple reasons in this workshop we're going to show why multi-tenancy is fundamental for your cluster health, helping the Ops team avoid cascading failures and maintaining high SLO regarding reliability, availability, and performances. All these words can be summarized in a single term, multi-tenancy, a hot topic in the Kubernetes ecosystem also considered the default primitives offered by the first releases. The workshop is going to show several scenarios, explaining the pitfalls and the tips & tricks to address them properly, as well as presenting a nice tool named Capsule that provides the automation needed to nail the topic.
Orchestrating the IoT with BPMN in the Cloud
IoT, BPMN, Cloud
This workshop will take a practical, hands-on look at using cloud-based Business Process Management to orchestrate IoT services and workflows. We will use Camunda's Cloud service to do this. Participants will start with some IoT Hardware (an ESP-32 CAM, as well as some other parts) to build a complete IoT device capable of sending pictures to the Cloud service. We will then use the Cloud APIs to build a series of services to handle the IoT data including external services like Google's Image Processing AI, etc. to build increasingly complex systems to handle the IoT data.
By the end of the workshop participants will have a fully functioning IoT device capable of image-processing and causing an external system to react.
Cloud native IPC for Microservices
JakartaEE, REST, gRPC, JAX-RS, Microprofile, Microservices, Quarkus
This workshop focuses on modern and efficient Inter Process Communication (IPC) for microservices. We start with a REST API, built using JAX-RS and Quarkus to briefly discuss the pros and cons of this approach. Then, we will extend the API with an efficient Protobuf payload representation in order to finally transform the API into a fully fledged high-performance gRPC interface definition. But that’s not all! To put some extra icing on the cake, this workshop will demonstrate how to consume the gRPC service from a JavaScript web client and also how to completely generate a matching REST API from an enhanced gRPC interface definition to ensure full interoperability in a microservice architecture.
The Wonderfull world of certificates
Certificates, Certificate Authority and Certificate Chains
Certificates are everywhere: in between; on the server; and even on your own devices. Even the people who don't know what a certificate is, still look for the lock in the address bar. And if they don't, they should. For people working with certificates daily, "Zero Trust" is something that is a standard that has been around since TLS 1.0, not a new buzzword. Need to know more? Join us!
Polo de Contenidos Digitales Málaga
Av de Sor Teresa Prat, 15, 29003 Málaga
FYCMA - Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga
Av. de José Ortega y Gasset, 201, 29006 Málaga